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Captain's Application Process: Status of CG-719 Series Forms

Important Details About Merchant Mariner Credentialing Forms

What are the current CG-719 series forms I should be using?

Form Expiration Date Location

The United States Coast Guard's National Maritime Division released an updated series of CG-719 forms that expire on 4/30/2026. 


You can locate the expiration date in the upper right corner of the forms. 


Can I still use the CG-719 series forms that expired in 2021? 

Application Forms Expiration Date

The previous CG-719 series for merchant mariner credentialing shows an expiration date of 03/31/2021 in the upper right corner.



NOTE: We recommend using the current forms with the 2026 expiration date. If you've completed older forms with the 2021 expiration date, please contact the National Maritime Center to confirm their acceptance.