Captain’s Licenses: Advantages and Opportunities

Exploring the Motivations Behind Obtaining a Captain's License

Who would want to get their captain’s license? 

If you are thinking of becoming a boat captain, you are not alone. Thousands of people each year apply to the Coast Guard to become licensed. The fact that so many people have taken steps to become a USCG licensed captain speaks volumes about the allure, attraction, and aura of earning your license. 


People from all walks of life become boat captains! They include but are not limited to: 

  • Boaters who would like to improve their resume and become a licensed expert 
  • Divers 
  • Sail boaters and power boaters 
  • Retirees who would like a second career  

Who Becomes a Captain

You can find out what other people use their captain’s licenses for here


What do people do with their captain’s license? 

The activities people perform as a boat captain can be personal or commercial, it all depends on what you want to do!  


Some people host fishing parties, dinner cruises, tour boats, charter boats, diving boats, and many more. 


What Do People Do With Their Captains License


What opportunities exist for commercial captains? 

There are a variety of opportunities that exist for commercial captains. Yacht deliveries, fishing boats for hire, water taxis, sea trials, and instructions are some of the main ones.  


Does this sound like a path you would be interested in? Watch this video on how to become a USCG-licensed ship captain! 


Why are yacht deliveries an opportunity for commercial captains? 

A lucrative opportunity for you could be delivering yachts! The cost of transporting a boat more than 8-feet wide by land can be very high. This makes a boat delivery by water an attractive solution! 


Why are fishing boats an opportunity for commercial captains? 

Fishing boats for hire that charge per person are known in the industry as head boats or party boats, which can be a lucrative operation for a commercial captain! 


Why are water taxis an opportunity for commercial captains? 

Being a commercial captain for a water taxi is a great way to get your foot in the door. While not the highest-paying opportunity, water taxi operations are always looking for extra captains! 


Why are sea trials an opportunity for commercial captains? 

Many boat brokers and dealers use licensed captains to conduct sea trials on behalf of potential buyers, which is a great option for a commercial captain. 


Why is instructing an opportunity for commercial captains? 

There are many people who purchase boats who have no idea how to operate them safely. Experienced captains can give new boat owners the necessary knowledge and skills by instructing them on their own vessels. 


Where can I find a job to use my captain’s license? 

Word of mouth is the most effective way of finding the best jobs within the marine industry because most jobs are never advertised and the ones that are you wouldn't want.  


Boat brokers are another great source for finding delivery and instructor work.  


Try getting your foot in the door as a mate! You’ll get invaluable local knowledge, and it will allow you to become familiar with the ports/marinas in your area. You can earn the right to move into the wheelhouse and operate the vessel as the captain! 


You can find out more opportunities for commercial captains here.