Captain's Licenses: Military Sea Service Boating Experience

Evaluation Process: How Military Sea Time is Counted

Can you count military sea service time towards a captain’s license?  

Military Sea Time DocumentationSea service you’ve acquired while serving in the military may count towards your captain’s license. Generally, military sea time will be creditable at a rate of 60 percent credit per each qualifying day of military service served on board a military vessel.  


To be considered qualified time, the time must have been served in a capacity relevant to the type of license you are applying for. You may provide satisfactory evidence of U.S. military service in the form of an official transcript of military sea service, certified history of assignments, or certified statement of creditable sea service. A DD 214 on its own is not generally enough evidence of sea service time. 


american-flag-waving copyTake a look over this guide on military sea service time, and check out our American Hero pricing