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Captain's Application for Licensing: Form CG-719B

Step-by-Step: Filling Out Form CG-719B for Your Captain's License

You can download and print Form CG-719B here.  


What is the CG-719B form?  

Form CG-719B is used for all Coast Guard credentials, both for original first time Coast Guard applications and for license renewals.  


What if I do not have a Reference Number for Section I: Applicant Information #2b? 

If this is your first time applying for a captain’s license credential with the Coast Guard, you will NOT have a reference number yet. You will fill out #2a and leave #2b blank. Once you are issued a Merchant Mariner Credential (your captain’s license), you will be issued a Reference Number that will follow you the rest of your journey with the Coast Guard.  


What do I fill out for Section II: Requested Coast Guard Credential(s)?  

Original Application  

If you are applying for your original license, you will want to check Officer Original in the Endorsement Category. In the Description of Endorsement(s) Desired, fill in what exact license you are applying for.  


Examples can include OUPV/Six-Pack Near Coastal or 25-Ton Masters Inland with Sailing Endorsement.  



Upgrading to the Masters or Adding the Towing/Sailing Endorsement(s) 

If you are upgrading to a Masters or adding an endorsement, you will want to check Officer Raise of Grade, New Endorsement or Increase in Scope in the Endorsement Category. In the Description of Endorsement(s) Desired, fill in what exact license you are applying for. 



License Renewal 

If you are renewing your current captain’s license, you will want to check Officer Renewal in the Endorsement Category. In the Description of Endorsement(s) desired, fill in the existing license you are wanting to renew. 



Am I TWIC exempt for Section III: Safety and Suitability for my original application? 

You are NOT TWIC exempt for your original application. Therefore, you will NOT check this box, just leave it blank.  


TIP: You must submit a copy of your TWIC card with your original application.  


Must I check off the National Driver Registry (NDR) for Section III: Safety and Suitability for my original application? 

Yes! This is a requirement. 

National Driver Registry


What is Section IV: Mariner’s Consent/Certification #1 asking me? 

This is an optional field, therefore, if you do not wish to participate you can check “No thanks, I do not wish to participate at this time”.  


If you check “Yes, I would like to participate”, you are agreeing to the following: 


What do I fill out for Section IV: Mariner’s Consent/Certification #4 and #5? 

You only need to complete Section IV #4 and #5 if you are applying for your original license.  


#4 Certification is the oath section itself that goes over what your signature is attesting to: 


#5 Applicant’s Signature is where you will sign in front of the notary, then the notary will sign below. They can place their stamp directly over the signatures or on the blank area on the last page of the application form. 


Who is authorized to administer the oath? 

Any notary is authorized to administer the oath. You can try your local bank to see if they have a notary there. 


NOTE: You only need to get the oath completed on your original application. 


What do I fill out for Section IV: Mariner’s Consent/Certification #6? 

The Third Party Authorization is to be filled out with the information of the third party who completed your application on your behalf. This is if you paid an outside consultant. If you completed the forms on your own doing, you would leave this section blank.